BCC Collateral bcc_printdetail
Identity collateral (clockwise from top left): barf bag for in-cab use, gift vertificate, array of coupons which inclued free downtown spins, discounted fares and free ass-grab. Business cards are letterpress on the fronts, offset on the backs and prefed for easy removal of tab which can be clipped ten times for a free ride, while still keeping the main information on the card intact.
"What about this kick off addition. FREE RIDES TILL NEW YEARS DAY! -my gift for the holiday season. (P.S., you always get a free ride. . .till the wheels fall off the bus. And then I'll bike ya the rest of the way!) Thanks for helping to change a bit of the world. Remember to remember that."
John Flannery, Bend Cycle Cab and GreenEnergy Transportation & Tour
BCC Collateral bcc_printdetail
Identity collateral (clockwise from top left): barf bag for in-cab use, gift vertificate, array of coupons which inclued free downtown spins, discounted fares and free ass-grab. Business cards are letterpress on the fronts, offset on the backs and prefed for easy removal of tab which can be clipped ten times for a free ride, while still keeping the main information on the card intact.
"What about this kick off addition. FREE RIDES TILL NEW YEARS DAY! -my gift for the holiday season. (P.S., you always get a free ride. . .till the wheels fall off the bus. And then I'll bike ya the rest of the way!) Thanks for helping to change a bit of the world. Remember to remember that."
John Flannery, Bend Cycle Cab and GreenEnergy Transportation & Tour